No.24000060 Pot
園芸業界を大きく変えた伝説のブランド、invisible inkとTOKYによるコラボレーションモデルの植木鉢。
invisible inkと打ち合わせをする中で「ワンハンドできる小さめのシンプルな鉢が欲しい」と要望を伝え、一度だけ制作された中から選抜してコレクションしていたものです。
そういう表現を最初に行ったのはinvisible inkがおそらく世界で初めてだった、ということも知っておいて欲しいと思います。
A collaborative model pot by invisible ink and TOKY, the legendary brand that revolutionized the gardening industry.
Unlike the "Rock" series, this one is a rare specimen with a smooth texture.
In a meeting with invisible ink, I expressed my request for a small, simple pot, and this was selected from among those produced only once and kept in my collection.
The jagged pattern, currently popularly known as "Madagascar" or "Mexico," has been sculpted and placed on the mouth rim and base.
It should be noted that INVISIBLE INK was probably the first in the world to make such an expression.
The unusual round holes, the matte black glaze, the metallic expression casually placed around the jagged pattern, and so on.
This is one of a dozen or so pieces made, and is now a very rare piece.
A stainless steel name tag, laser engraved by Japanese craftsmen, is included to certify the authenticity of this masterpiece.
Size : φ7.8 x H7.3(cm)
送料 ¥1,100
販売エリア 日本全国
入札期間 2024/05/07(火)17:00 〜 2024/05/12(日)21:10
入札者 | |
はなたろう | ¥110,500 |
みっちー | ¥110,400 |
taka_paul | ¥48,500 |
naoking | ¥17,000 |
ONE | ¥16,000 |
masahiro | ¥15,600 |
Pan | ¥15,500 |
shakti | ¥15,000 |
よっちゃん | ¥11,000 |
LEMON_LEMON | ¥5,000 |