No.24000052 Pot
園芸業界を大きく変えた伝説のブランド、invisible inkとTOKYによるコラボレーションモデルの植木鉢用の受皿。
数の少ない作品の中でも、最初期に作られた証として、invisible inkによる手掘りの「TOKY」という文字が入っています。
Rock Heavy PotのLサイズの受皿としてご使用いただけます。
This is a saucer for pots, a collaborative model by invisible ink and TOKY, a legendary brand that has revolutionized the gardening industry.
This piece was originally sold in small quantities as a saucer for a model originally developed under the series name "Rock".
The hand-engraved logo by invisible ink is engraved on the saucer proof that it was one of the first of a very small number of pieces made by invisible ink.
It is composed of thick ceramic clay and has the characteristic knife cutting on the sides.
It can be used as a receptacle for the L-size Rock Pot.
Comes with a stainless steel name tag laser engraved by Japanese artisans to prove it is a genuine masterpiece.
Size : φ17.5 x 2.3(cm)
送料 ¥1,100
販売エリア 日本全国
入札期間 2024/03/06(水)14:00 〜 2024/03/10(日)22:30
入札者 | |
たかや | ¥35,800 |
マサヒロ | ¥34,100 |
フィロクシー | ¥29,000 |
はなたろう | ¥15,000 |